Spartan cloaks: red, scarlet, vermilion?

The floor is open for nominations.  What color would you say was the cloak worn by the Spartans?

Unlike the other city states, the Spartans had something approaching standard issue wear, and it included a cloak that might be described as red, scarlet or vermilion.  (Or perhaps some other shade?).

In my third book, working title Sacred Games, I refer a few times to the famous cloak.  As I read through the ms, I find I've used all three words to describe the color.  This won't do!

I've put a poll widget on the right hand side of the blog page.  Feel free to express your opinion.

What makes this more fun is that if you base your answer on movies you've seen, such as 300, then it's the blind leading the blind, because their choice is as random as mine.  To the best of my knowledge, there's no surviving example of the real thing.